Mile by Mile
Mobile Ministries
A Ministry of Helps and Evangelism
Uplifting Pastors (Our Number 1 Focus!)
Aaron and Hur were some of our first examples of how to support God's men. In their case, support went so far as to hold Moses' hands in the air until the victory God promised was achieved. In their day, it was much easier to visibly see the work God was doing (can you imagine walking over on dry ground seeing the watery walls of the Red Sea parted beside you!?). In current times, God's action is often more subtle, yet we are still called to support the men God has called to be Pastors. In fact, in 1 Timothy 5:17 he says they are worthy of double honor. Despite this instruction, it is not uncommon for God's man to face difficult times whether that be challenges to pastoral authority, church finance difficulties, multiple family or health difficulties in the church, or any number of other hardships. It is our goal to minister to Gods' men right where he has them planted and in anyway he needs us to do so. Refilling a Pastor's bucket allows him to refill his peoples' buckets ultimately making for a tighter, more unified church. Don't miss the blessing of caring for your Pastor too!
Soul Winning & Discipleship
The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19 and 20 shows the importance God places on telling others about the Salvation offered through his son Jesus Christ. While telling others about Christ can be simple, growing new believers may be more challenging. Through seminars, focused lessons, or messages from the pulpit, Mile by Mile can help build new ministries, recharge existing ministries, and equip believers to gain and grow new converts.
Pastoral Transition Support
Sometimes, God moves his men to minister to new congregations or new communities. When this occurs, it leaves a hole until God puts His new man in the pulpit. Despite an open pastorate, meeting the immediate needs of members and maintaining church unity remain crucial. We can support a church during this transition in a number of ways customized to the needs of the individual church.
Senior Ministries
Senior Saints are a precious and often forgotten generation. While many offer great wisdom from their life experiences, some have yet to hear the greatest life lesson of all; their need for life-changing salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Nursing Home and other Senior focused ministries tend to the spirits and minds of Seniors, and in some precious cases, have the chance to lead Seniors to the Lord. Mile by Mile can guide churches to create or refresh Senior focused ministries.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
There are very few things as exciting as children giving their hearts to Christ. VBS is a prime time to win children since many attend VBS who do not usually go to church. As exciting as VBS is, it can also be exhausting--- any VBS helper can tell you, "There is no tired like VBS tired!" If your team needs a fresh infusion of VBS vigor, we'd love to help! Kerrie has been a VBS coordinator for many years and would be delighted to help train or support your team as you plan or run your VBS whether it's your first or your fiftieth!
Bus Ministries are one of the most challenging and yet most rewarding ministries in which a church can invest. It takes only a handful of steps to start a bus ministry but the results of those steps are incalculable. Over the years, Mile by Mile has been privileged to serve in and lead many fruitful bus ministries and can guide churches in building a new ministry or recharging an existing one.
Interim Pulpit Coverage
It may be necessary for a Pastor to be away. Perhaps he's speaking elsewhere, on a much-needed vacation or ill. In these or similar situations, Brother Barney can bring God's Word to the congregation. He does not take preaching lightly and is humbled anytime he is asked to fill another man's pulpit.
Just like our name says, we travel Mile by Mile; this means we spend a lot of time staying in campgrounds. We feel called to offer spiritual support in our "new neighborhoods" along the way. God is still revealing his plan for this ministry, and we would appreciate your prayers as for clarity and understanding as he does so.
Various events or conferences
Special events and meetings can be so reinvigorating for a church and its ministries. Mile by Mile
Need Something Different?
If you have a need not specifically called out here, contact Mile by Mile. We will do our best to meet that need.